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Pro HD Makeup & Special Effects
Bold.Boisterous.Beautiful Pro Camera Ready HD Makeup
Premium Pro Makeup Brushes
The INDIAN CSPRO Membership is currently available to Professional & Student Makeup Artists, Cosmetologists & Estheticians. Eligible members will receive a 10% discount on all Cinema Secrets brand products on : www.arndco.in in addition to existing slab wise discount structure which may be applicable from time to time. To enroll, fill in all required fields and attach two forms of professional documentation along with copy of photo ID. Please allow 10-15 business days to process all applications. Applications with missing information or documents will not be accepted for processing.
Please note that PRO memberships are available to those residing in the state of INDIA at this time.
For additional information regarding eligibility, email us at pro@arndco.in
Select Membership Type
You must submit two of the following scanned copies, plus a Copy of Photo ID:
You must submit the following scanned copies:
NOTE: Each file should not exceed 10Mb in size.Please check file size before uploading
Makeup Artist and Industry Professional memberships are valid for two years. Student memberships are valid for one year. Benefits are non-transferable. Cardholders are not permitted to sell, or resell, Cinema Secrets & Ignite products purchased at their Pro discount under any circumstances. Any breach of these terms will result in permanent removal from program. A R AND D CO reserves the right to deny any applicant membership, or remove members from program, at our discretion. Please allow 10-15 days for processing. Mail us at pro@arndco.in with questions or WhatsApp/call +91 7083656027 / +91 251 2600850 to apply for membership.